
input from moellers

requests for the chamber, based on the alfa.2 version:
1) the top flange: preferably 250 (as the top flange now), or 200
2) main side flange: preferably 250 (as now), or 200
3) top, bottom and side flanges lined up

-the chamber base will be minitec based. minitec also provides servo motors for positioning. minitec is modular, so the cluster source can be mounted on minitec in berlin, and then mounted on the base in hamburg.
-if we make the two sets of: top, two side, and bottom flanges equal, and put the distance from the beamline side to the centre of the first set of flanges to 200mm, the centre distance between the two sets of flanges to 400mm, and the second set of flanges to 400mm from the rear side flange, i.e. from the side:
| 200 O 400 O 400 |
then we have the option to set the experiment 200, 400 (swap beamline and rear sides), 600 (200+400) or 800 (swap again, 400+400) mm from the beamline flange. that provides space for e.g. a delay device, apertures, or refocusing optics.
-a generous amount of 40, 60, ... viewports and feedthrough flanges on different geometries.

tp (experimentalist edition) knowledge: up to 200 (8 inch) there is one worldwide standard, 250 (10inch) and upwards have different standards.