

I have started with videoclip recording on the chamber. Anyone interested? Can be used for ppt presentations etc. Formats: avi, bmp or tga. (OK for e.g. Quicktime, Windows Media Player, etc.).

Pumping, cont.

Why not using a cryopump, e.g.: shi?

The initial costs are comparable to a turbopump, the maintainance costs are significantly lower.

The main reason why cryopumps are not standard for experiment chambers is that they vibrate (remember the 2Hz tf-tf-tf from the mono beamline at the Flash). I will get specs on the vibrations.

Back to turbos, an issue is to prevent the rotating alu blades from, e.g. falling screws.
-The standard solution is a net. The drawback is 25% reduced pumping efficiency.
-If we choose to mount the turbo to the side or upwards, we will not need any net. But the chamber will be less bottom-heavy.