
First beamtime shift successful

This night, plenty of images were taken of fixed samples. The shorter (13nm) wavelength, as compared to last beamtime in February, makes life a lot easier for imaging.


Chamber on the stand at Flash!

Today we mounted the Uppsala chamber on the Hasylab stand. Now we are waiting for the flanges, which should be delivered later this week. When they are here, we can start the mounting of the pumps and hope for good vacuum.

The roadmap for the use of the chamber will be clearer in a day or two. The first use of the chamber will be the testing of the Livermore inset with the particle injection system, and a YAG laser. This testing will possibly be done in January, in time before the February beamtime.


Chamber stand!

This is the chamber stand that the group of Ulrich Hahn at Hasylab have built for us. Now it is waiting for the chamber!


Here are photos taken today in Parma. The chamber will arrive in Hamburg on Friday. The viewports and removable supports (previously denoted rails) look OK!

The plan is to use the chamber after the November Flash beamtime (ending on the 24th of November) for further testing of the Imaging experiment, e.g. the new MS-TOF.