
weight and momenta of chamber etc.

for dimensioning the minitec frame, we need to know the forces etc.
height 1290 (1600- 310(fel beam height-(chamber radius+space for chamber holder))
inner length 950 (chamber 1000 - 50 for chamber holder to be on frame)
inner broadness 420 (for 360 flange (with outer diameter 412mm) to fit through frame)

chamber 27 kg
turbomolecular pump 60x3
360 blind flanges 30x10

berlin cluster source 100 kg
700mm from main axis of chamber (500mm length + 200 chamber radius).

since we want to position the chamber in xyz, we need four frames, the chamber positioned on the inner, and the outer on solid ground.

the minitec company is performing stress analysis, to determine the profile (possibly either 45x90 or 90x90mm)

-for obtaining the freedom to rotate the chamber, we can ask a company to build a frame on struts, which would be positioned by hand.

-an alternative to fix the chamber onto the minitec frame is to solder steel ears onto the two bottom 360 flanges, which then are bolted onto the frame.